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Edit Undo Dot BRK Regular truetype fuente

Esta es la página del tipo de letra Edit Undo Dot BRK. Puede descargarlo de forma gratuita y sin registro aquí. Esta entrada fue publicada en Wednesday, 16 November 2011 y colocada en el catálogo de Regular. La versión de Edit Undo Dot BRK es Version 2.64. Esta página ha sido vista por 304 times. El archivo fue descargado 743 veces.

Edit Undo Dot BRK Regular truetype fuente gratuito
  • Nombre: Edit Undo Dot BRK
  • Versión: Version 2.64
  • Tipo: Regular
  • Categoría: E
  • Agregado: 2011-11-16
  • Visto: 304
  • Descargado: 743

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Edit Undo Dot BRK example
Edit Undo Dot BRK example
Edit Undo Dot BRK example
Edit Undo Dot BRK example
Edit Undo Dot BRK example
Edit Undo Dot BRK example

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Amanda 2013-06-30 03:11 am
The head likeness is poor this time prboably HT's artists did not select the apppropriate photos from which the sculpting was based. In most shots of the movie, Christ Waltz has a cunning smiling face with his mouth's corners slightly moving upwards, which is the signature facial expression of the character in the story. However, HT inappropriately based their sculpture on a more "serious" facial expression of the character, not being able to portray the signature expression of Hans Landa in the movie. Perhaps the artists did not watch the movie and hence couldn't correctly capture the "essence" of the "Hunter". The facial expression of Dragon's figure on the same character (available for pre-order about 6 months ago) is much better than this one although the skin texture is inferior to HT's. I am a fan of QT (the director) and Chris Waltz but have to skip this one because of the poor likeness ! Disappointed !
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