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Tw Cen MT Condensed Medium truetype fuente

Esta es la página del tipo de letra Tw Cen MT Condensed. Puede descargarlo de forma gratuita y sin registro aquí. Esta entrada fue publicada en Saturday, 27 January 2018 y colocada en el catálogo de Medium. La versión de Tw Cen MT Condensed es Version 1.01. Esta página ha sido vista por 281 times. El archivo fue descargado 0 veces.

Tw Cen MT Condensed Medium truetype fuente gratuito
  • Nombre: Tw Cen MT Condensed
  • Versión: Version 1.01
  • Tipo: Medium
  • Categoría: T
  • Agregado: 2018-01-27
  • Visto: 281
  • Descargado: 0

20th Century was designed and drawn by Sol Hess in the Lanston Monotype drawing office between 1936 and 1947. The first weights were added to the Monotype typeface library in 1959. This is a face based on geometric shapes which originated in Germany in the early 1920's and became an integral part of the Bauhaus movement of that time. Form and function became the key words, unnecessary decoration was scorned. This clean cut, sans serif with geometric shapes was most appropriate. The lighter weights can be used for text setting, the bold and condensed fonts are suitable for display in headlines and advertising.

Haga clic en la imagen para zoom...Tw Cen MT Condensed
Tw Cen MT Condensed Cascada

Tw Cen MT Condensed example
Tw Cen MT Condensed example
Tw Cen MT Condensed example
Tw Cen MT Condensed example
Tw Cen MT Condensed example
Tw Cen MT Condensed example

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