Esta es la página del tipo de letra Tengwar Teleri. Puede descargarlo de forma gratuita y sin registro aquí. Esta entrada fue publicada en Friday, 24 August 2012 y colocada en el catálogo de Regular. La versión de Tengwar Teleri es 1.0. Esta página ha sido vista por 417 times. El archivo fue descargado 706 veces.
Tengwar Teleri is based (somewhat loosely) on the elven runes of J. R. R. Tolkein. The Teleri were one of the the three races of the High Elves, a portion of whom remained in Beleriand with Elw? Thingol and became the Sindarin, the Grey Elves of Middle Earth, while many others were carried to within sight of Valinor by Ulmo of the waters. There they dwelt in Tol Eress?a under the stars, and built tall swan ships and sailed the Sundering Seas. I have designed this font to reflect this; there is no precident for cygnoform tengwa in Tolkien's own work. Character Map 1998 Daniel Stephen Smith [Redruth's Basement is in no way affiliated with the Tolkein Estate.]