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Zhang QA Regular fonte truetype

Esta é a página da fonte Zhang QA. Você pode baixá-lo gratuitamente e sem registro aqui. Esta entrada foi publicada em Tuesday, 27 November 2018 e foi colocada no catálogo Regular. A versão do Zhang QA é Macromedia Fontographer 4.1 5/3/97. Esta página foi visualizada199 vezes. O arquivo foi baixado 659 vezes.

Zhang QA Regular fonte gratuita truetype
  • Nome: Zhang QA
  • Versão: Macromedia Fontographer 4.1 5/3/97
  • Tipo: Regular
  • Categoria: Z
  • Adicionado: 2018-11-27
  • Visto: 199
  • Baixado: 659

This version includes capital and lowercase letters, some commonly used punctuation and a few international characters (by special request). I major in Business at LA Tech. Everyone that majors in business has to take Quantitative Analysis 233. It is an extremely boring class. My teacher was especially boring. He was not from America, and could not speak English very well. He compensated for this by not speaking very much. My teacher's name was Hongkai Zhang. Since his lectures inspired this font, I felt it would do justice to name it after him and his class. The uppercase of this font was designed to look like letters running away. That's what half the class was doing the day I drew this font. The other half wanted to. Except me. I was having fun drawing this font.

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Zhang QA Cachoeira

Zhang QA example
Zhang QA example
Zhang QA example
Zhang QA example
Zhang QA example
Zhang QA example

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