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Dutch Italic fonte truetype

Esta é a página da fonte Dutch. Você pode baixá-lo gratuitamente e sem registro aqui. Esta entrada foi publicada em Tuesday, 29 May 2012 e foi colocada no catálogo Italic. A versão do Dutch é 001.000. Esta página foi visualizada262 vezes. O arquivo foi baixado 604 vezes.

Dutch Italic fonte gratuita truetype
  • Nome: Dutch
  • Versão: 001.000
  • Tipo: Italic
  • Categoria: D
  • Adicionado: 2012-05-29
  • Visto: 262
  • Baixado: 604

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Dutch Cachoeira

Dutch example
Dutch example
Dutch example
Dutch example
Dutch example
Dutch example

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Pedrocockatwo 2013-06-30 06:56 pm
I bought this kit to aegumnt my 14.4v Dewalt for the installation of one of those giant wood swing-sets. I started off using the Dewalt for driving the hex-bolts into the T-Nuts, but once I used the impact driver for the first time, I hardly put it down again after. I had to be careful not to over-drive the bolts, becuase the torque would just keep on going. There were comments on previous reviews complaining about the battery life. This kit includes two 1.5 Ah batteries. I found these batteries to be adequate for a general home user particularly with the 15-minute recharge cycle time. If long life is what you need, you should either purchse the kit that comes with the 3.0 Ah batteries, or I was told that the 3 Ah batteries are compatible with this kit, but not vice versa. I didn't use the Drill Driver near as much as the impact driver, but overall, it met my expectations. Both were much lighter than my Dewalt, and overall, that weight made a huge difference on my own fatigue factor over the 4-day installation, than if I would have used the Dewalt exclusively. I have absolutely no regrets over this purchase!
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