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Shockheaded Regular TrueType police

C'est la page de la police Shockheaded. Ici vous pouvez le télécharger gratuitement et sans inscription. Cette entrée a été publiée en Monday, 06 May 2013 et placée dans le répertoire Regular. Version Shockheaded du fichier Version 1.50. Cette page a été vu 123 fois. Le fichier a été Téléchargé 619 fois.

Shockheaded Regular la police truetype gratuit
  • Nom: Shockheaded
  • Version: Version 1.50
  • Type: Regular
  • Catégorie: S
  • Joint: 2013-05-06
  • Vu: 123
  • Télécharger: 619

Yep. Another one of those contemporary grunge handjobs (and I do mean "contemporary"). I find it to be a mixture of Lovitz and Serena into something so off-mind, so impractical, that even the public access programs won't dare to use. I got the name from the book "Shockheaded Peter", which is quite a favorite of mine, especially because of all of these freaky drawings they have there. There's a british show that's based on that story, which I definately intend to go see.

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Shockheaded Cascade

Shockheaded example
Shockheaded example
Shockheaded example
Shockheaded example
Shockheaded example
Shockheaded example

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