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Geeker Thin fonte truetype

Esta é a página da fonte Geeker. Você pode baixá-lo gratuitamente e sem registro aqui. Esta entrada foi publicada em Friday, 12 January 2018 e foi colocada no catálogo Thin. A versão do Geeker é Version 2.00. Esta página foi visualizada234 vezes. O arquivo foi baixado 784 vezes.

Geeker Thin fonte gratuita truetype
  • Nome: Geeker
  • Versão: Version 2.00
  • Tipo: Thin
  • Categoria: G
  • Adicionado: 2018-01-12
  • Visto: 234
  • Baixado: 784

This font is an English version of the "Yoav" font, which you can view on my hebrew site. It's one of my best fonts and it's definately my favorite. I like it because it really has a constant shape and feel. I still don't like the hand-drawn motif, though. I'd like to create a typeface sometime that doesn't look like it's been drawn. This would probably involve *not* drawing it by hand, but I'll get to that sometime in the near future, I think. Am I a geek? I think so. After all - I *am* a computer major in high-school, I wear glasses and I like doing things on the Internet and stuff like that. I bet all of the above is sufficiant to make me a qualified geek times seven. I hope you like the font, though.

Clique na imagem para ampliar...Geeker
Geeker Cachoeira

Geeker example
Geeker example
Geeker example
Geeker example
Geeker example
Geeker example

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