Questa è la pagina di font Geeker. Si può scaricare gratuitamente e senza registrazione. Questo articole è stato pubblicato il Friday, 12 January 2018 e stato messo in Thin catalogo. Versione del Geeker Version 2.00. Questa pagina è stata visualizzata 238 volte. Il File è stato scaricato 807 volte.
This font is an English version of the "Yoav" font, which you can view on my hebrew site. It's one of my best fonts and it's definately my favorite. I like it because it really has a constant shape and feel. I still don't like the hand-drawn motif, though. I'd like to create a typeface sometime that doesn't look like it's been drawn. This would probably involve *not* drawing it by hand, but I'll get to that sometime in the near future, I think. Am I a geek? I think so. After all - I *am* a computer major in high-school, I wear glasses and I like doing things on the Internet and stuff like that. I bet all of the above is sufficiant to make me a qualified geek times seven. I hope you like the font, though.