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Wolves and Ravens Regular font TrueType

Questa è la pagina di font Wolves and Ravens. Si può scaricare gratuitamente e senza registrazione. Questo articole è stato pubblicato il Saturday, 05 January 2013 e stato messo in Regular catalogo. Versione del Wolves and Ravens 3.0 Questa pagina è stata visualizzata 1353 volte. Il File è stato scaricato 2020 volte.

Wolves and Ravens Regular font TrueType gratuito
  • Nome: Wolves and Ravens
  • Versione: 3.0
  • Tipo: Regular
  • Categoria: W
  • Aggiunto: 2013-01-05
  • Visto: 1353
  • Scaricato: 2020

This is a simple fantasy font based on a player handout I created for a fantasy campaign in my teenage years. There was a cryptic message - "Wolves and Ravens Devour the Unwary" - carved into the side of a wooden footbridge, as an omen of things to come. The handwriting was meant to represent a quasi-runic style of Roman letters, of the sort that might be crudely carved with a dagger into the soft wood of the bridge rail.

Clicca sull'immagine per ingrandire...Wolves and Ravens
Wolves and Ravens Cascata

Wolves and Ravens example
Wolves and Ravens example
Wolves and Ravens example
Wolves and Ravens example
Wolves and Ravens example
Wolves and Ravens example

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