Questa è la pagina di font Caflisch Script Web. Si può scaricare gratuitamente e senza registrazione. Questo articole è stato pubblicato il Saturday, 15 September 2018 e stato messo in Regular catalogo. Versione del Caflisch Script Web Version 1.00. Questa pagina è stata visualizzata 317 volte. Il File è stato scaricato 1077 volte.
This typeface is based on the lettering of Max Caflisch, one of the foremost graphic designers of the twentieth century. Caflisch, a teacher of graphic arts for over three decades in Zurich, is author of several books on typography and designer of the 1952 Columna typeface. Caflisch's handwriting has a free flowing yet disciplined character, the result of years of practice and devotion to the calligraphic arts. Designer Robert Slimbach retained the subtleties and natural letter joins of Caflisch's original handwriting while adapting it into a typographically sound and highly practical script typeface. Caflisch Script Web has been optimized for onscreen use.