Это страница шрифта Long Tall Sally EEN. Здесь вы можете скачать его бесплатно и без регистрации. Эта запись была опубликована в Friday, 22 February 2013 и помещена в каталог Plain. Версия Long Tall Sally EEN файла v. 1.000 12/00. Эта страница была просмотрена 2087 раз. Файл был загружен 2989 раз.
Long Tall Sally EEN by Aesthetix Font Company (font ID #00003) created December 16-19, 2000 Long Tall Sally EEN was created in December, 2000 by Aesthetix Graphic Design exclusively for Famous Fonts (www.eliteentertainment.net/famousfonts). It is based on the typeface used on several logos, including the Guns 'N Roses 'Use Your Illusion' albums and the 'Final Fantasy' role palying games. As far as we could tell, a freeware version of this font was not available, so we made one. This is NOT a pirated or renamed font. True, it may look just like another or several other fonts out there (and may even have the same character set), but it is an original. The name Long Tall Sally EEN comes from the Little Richard classic (later covered by the Beatles). The letters are long, tall, and skinny.