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Californian FB Regular truetype шрифт

Это страница шрифта Californian FB. Здесь вы можете скачать его бесплатно и без регистрации. Эта запись была опубликована в Monday, 12 September 2011 и помещена в каталог Regular. Версия Californian FB файла Version 1.00. Эта страница была просмотрена 9887 раз. Файл был загружен 12809 раз.

Californian FB Regular truetype шрифт бесплатно
  • Название: Californian FB
  • Версия: Version 1.00
  • Тип: Regular
  • Категория: C
  • Добавлен: 2011-09-12
  • Просмотрен: 9887
  • Скачан: 12809

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Californian FB example
Californian FB example
Californian FB example
Californian FB example
Californian FB example

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Angelo 2013-06-30 05:59 am
Wow. This is terrible news. I am one of the unawhsed masses' who's only dreamed ~ and I mean that literally ~ of passing the door and walking up the carpeted staircase into coveted, secret Disneyland. Well, that's how I see it. Years ago my Mom was able to get in with a friend. Apparently she was on one of those now extinct +1 passes (although she's an annual pass holder so she didn't need the ticket into the park). I had to fly that day so I sent her in, grinning and giddy, turned around and walked out of the park. Honestly, I almost didn't fly back to work for the sake of being able to visit Club 33. I've wanted to go there since the first time I saw that door open for curiously waiting guests. I think I was about 12 years old then. It's been nearly 30 years since then. I'd held out a slim glimmer of hope that someday I might be able to join. Now, though, that's clearly impossible. I don't live in SoCal so it's hard for me to justify it anyway. I had hoped, though ~ and it didn't seem totally impossible before today ~ that I might get in someday.It's kind of harrowing to read these stories of 20 30 year members who have suddenly been shut out or obliged to nearly triple their membership to continue to enjoy benefits, key portions of which have actually been reduced. I'm not sure this is what Walt meant by happiest place on earth.'
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