This is the page of JULES P.C. WIMMIN font. You can download it for free and without registration here. This entry was published on Saturday, May 30th 2015, at 09:48 PM and was placed in the Regular catalog. Version of the JULES P.C. WIMMIN is TrueType Version: 1.25 , third release, 1999. This page was viewed 150 times. File was downloaded 698 times.
JULES P.C. WIMMIN was designed with the older, stronger, more assertive woman in mind. That's why the alphabet is all in capitals, and the pics replace the lower case letters. It is PC for "politically correct", including pics for the maori woman, under k for 'koru', the new agey woman, under y for 'yinyang', or o for the 'peace symbol', and of course the feminist symbol for woman, under g for 'girl'. There is also, for the horoscopically-aware woman, a star under 's', and for the touchy-feely woman, a massaging hand, under u for 'undulate'. Literate and aesthetically-attentative woman are catered for with a picture of a painting under a for 'art', and glasses under b for 'brainy'. Don't forget the pencil under n for 'note-taking'. Custom font optimization done by: Rolf Skyberg.