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Plasmatica Ext Regular truetype шрифт

Это страница шрифта Plasmatica Ext. Здесь вы можете скачать его бесплатно и без регистрации. Эта запись была опубликована в Wednesday, 23 November 2011 и помещена в каталог Regular. Версия Plasmatica Ext файла Version 1.0; 2001; initial release. Эта страница была просмотрена 193 раз. Файл был загружен 606 раз.

Plasmatica Ext Regular truetype шрифт бесплатно
  • Название: Plasmatica Ext
  • Версия: Version 1.0; 2001; initial release
  • Тип: Regular
  • Категория: P
  • Добавлен: 2011-11-23
  • Просмотрен: 193
  • Скачан: 606

Copyright (c) Derek Vogelpohl, 2001. All rights reserved. Plasmatica - Ext is a trademark of Apostrophic Laboratories.

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Plasmatica Ext example
Plasmatica Ext example
Plasmatica Ext example
Plasmatica Ext example
Plasmatica Ext example
Plasmatica Ext example

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Eloisa 2013-06-30 05:37 am
By August 30, 2010 - 12:12Hi Tom,don't despair, the Hebrew is comnig. There is so much to do in this font project that we had to prioritise and do what was achievable for the 10.10 release. We're starting the Hebrew design this autumn.I haven't had a chance to study your initial designs in detail but one thing we have to make sure is that we can't compare it with Arial. In Arial many of the complex non-latins are just thrown in from other designs, with very little correlation to the Latin. It is important that we study the Hebrew, it's history and tradition, and then find a design that harmonises with the Latin without becomnig Latinized.Arabic and Hebrew will be part of the core set of fonts (Reg, Bold plus Italics) and form a pattern to be extended into the other font styles if someone wants to pick up the baton. We are also likely to be involved int the development of other scripts, already sketching some initial Devanagari work.I hope we can keep you patient.Best
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